Event List
Past event lists
HLE Network no longer maintains a list of events about multilingualism. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates about interesting events.
Note that in the event lists below, old links may be broken and that HLE Network was formerly "HLSE."
Events list
Rijnbrink/Probiblio event:
Dit webinar biedt inzichten en inspiratie om meertaligheid als kans te benutten. Lidy Peters, auteur van het boek Talen die de school in komen, geeft een presentatie en we gaan hierover met haar in gesprek. Verder belichten diverse bibliotheken voorbeelden uit de praktijk.
September 1, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
September 5, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
Georganiseerd door Meertalig.nl:
Heb je ook zin om weer met frisse energie aan het nieuwe onderwijsjaar te beginnen? Kom dan naar het webinar Meertaligheid in de klas op maandag 5 september! Van 15:30 tot 17:00 bespreken we hoe je als leerkracht de thuistalen van leerlingen kunt omarmen én benutten. Kom achter de laatste wetenschappelijke kennis en leer manieren waarop je vorm kunt geven aan verschillende talen in de klas. Er is volop ruimte om je eigen ervaringen te delen en vragen te stellen uit jouw praktijk. We sluiten het webinar af met links naar interessante sites en materialen.
September 15, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
DRONGO event:
Werk jij met (toekomstige) ouders van jonge kinderen die meertalig opgroeien? Op donderdag 15 september organiseert Drongo in samenwerking met Gemeente Zaanstad een live Zoom Q&A rondom het handboek ‘Kinderen die meertalig opgroeien’.
Bekijk voorafgaand aan het evenement de online e-learning module waarin de adviezen over meertalig opvoeden uit het handboek, aan de hand van filmfragmenten, gesprekken en voorbeelden uit de dagelijkse praktijk, tot leven worden gebracht.
HLE Network Meetup for European Day of Languages
September 22, 2022
Pand P, Eindhoven
To celebrate the European Day of Languages in September each year, we offer the opportunity for heritage language program organizers and teachers to catch up face-to-face in Eindhoven. We will be at the Pand P from 19:30 to 21:30 on Thursday, September 22. If you are a heritage language program organizer/teacher in the Eindhoven region and you are interested in joining, you can RSVP by email, but it is not required. Each person pays his/her own drinks.
September 28, 2022
Openbare Bibliotheek in Amsterdam
Elke leerkracht in het basisonderwijs heeft nu te maken met leerlingen die een anderstalige achtergrond hebben. In Amsterdam heeft 63% van de kinderen onder 15 jaar een meertalige achtergrond. Maar je hoeft geen tweede taal-expert te zijn om toch op een zinnige manier in je klas met meertaligheid om te gaan. De stichting Polish Culture NL organiseert samen met de OBA Oosterdok (Openbare Bibliotheek in Amsterdam) met de steun van Gemeente Amsterdam, een bijeenkomst rond taaldiversiteit.
Forumzaal OBA Oosterdok, Oosterdokskade 143, 1011 DL Amsterdam
September 29, 2022
Online event (via Eindhoven Library)
Om de Europese Dag van de Talen te vieren in september, nodigt HLE Nework prijswinnende kinderboek auteur en illustrator Marit Törnqvist uit, om over het belang van anderstalige kinderboeken in de bibliotheek te vertellen.
October 7 - 8, 2022
Hybrid format: In person (in Washington, D.C., U.S.) and virtual option
Keynote speaker
Ofelia García, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Graduate Center, CUNY
"Translanguaging Pedagogy in Heritage Language Classrooms"
Featured Panelists:
Richard Brecht, Ph.D., Director, Center for Advanced Study of Language, UMD
James Cummins, Ph.D., Professor, University of Toronto
Workshops for Teachers and Administrators:
Best Practices in Heritage Language Instruction
Project-Based Learning and Critical Instruction
Using Technology in Instruction
Keeping the Heritage Language Alive in the Teenage Years
Managing an Effective Community-Based School
Delivering on the Promise of Proficiency: Backward Design and Assessment
Seal of Biliteracy and Global Seal: Implementing in a State
International Guidelines for Effective Community-Based Schools
Meertaligheid in onderwijs en opvoeding
October 12, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
Hoeveel talen kan een kind leren? Hoe kunnen ouders de taalontwikkeling van hun meertalige kind ondersteunen? En hoe maak je de taalontwikkeling van meertalige kinderen thuis en op school tot een succes? Deze vragen staan centraal in het webinar Meertaligheid in onderwijs en opvoeding op woensdag 12 oktober van 19:30 tot 21:00. We bespreken hoe de taalontwikkeling thuis en op school of op de kinderopvang elkaar kunnen versterken. Deel jouw ervaringen en krijg volop inzicht in de meertalige taalontwikkeling! We sluiten het webinar af met links naar interessante sites vol praktische tips en materialen.
October 22 - 23, 2022
Nicosia, Cyprus
The central theme of this conference is migration and multilingualism with a focus on language practices, migration discourses, language and identity, language policies and ideologies, language acquisition, bilingualism, bi(dia)lectalism, multilingualism, multiculturalism, equality, equity and diversity, heritage language use, maintenance and transmission, language loss, shift and attrition, family language policy, emotions, socialization practices and language management strategies of immigrant and minority families, home literacy environment, code-switching, code-mixing, translanguaging, and intercultural communication.
November 11 - 12, 2022
Online event (based in the Europe)
FOHLC Europe is an exciting new collaboration between several organizations involved with heritage language education in Europe. HLE Network is one of the organizers. The theme of 2022 is Multilingual Children and Multilingual Libraries: Cultivating Reading Habits in the Heritage Language. Topics will include reading and identity development, reading motivation, incorporating literature into curriculum, and multilingual library projects. Our presenters will share practical tips and inspiring examples of how to get multilingual children motivated to read in the heritage language!
Events list
Het Nederlands en de andere talen: samen op school
September 22, 2021
Online event (based in Amsterdam)
Op 22 september, van 16.30-18.00 uur, verzorgt Stichting Taal naar Keuze een online toelichting op de film Het Nederlands en de andere talen: samen op school, en op de bijbehorende website. Er is plek voor 80 deelnemers. Meld je aan en doe kosteloos mee.
Nuffic: Webinar Meertaligheid in de klas (basisonderwijs)
September 23, 2021
Online event (based in Netherlands)
Hoe ondersteun je de taalvaardigheid van alle kinderen in je klas? Onderzoek toont aan dat bij het verwerven én aanbieden van de moedertaal, de schooltaal en vreemde talen zoals Engels, veel van dezelfde mechanismen een rol spelen. Door ruimte te geven aan meertaligheid kun je het taalbewustzijn en de taalontwikkeling van meertalige én eentalige kinderen stimuleren.
September 23, 2021
Pand P, Eindhoven
Every year in September, we organize a HLE Network Meetup for European Language Day. This allows heritage language program organizers and teachers to kick off the new school year by catching up with each other over a drink. We will meet at a bar/cafe in Eindhoven (Pand P, Leenderweg 65) from 19:30 to 21:30 on Thursday, September 23. No RSVP necessary, and people pay for their own drinks. Note that there will be a virtual Meetup in February 2022 as well.
September 26, 2021
OBA Oosterdok, Amsterdam
The European Day of Languages inspired the Foundation Polish Culture to organize an event encouraging the use of parental native languages and to discuss multilingual upbringing and education.
The event will take place on September 26, 2021, from 15:00 to 17:30. It will cost 5 Euro or it will cost 2.50 Euro with an OBA pass or stadspas.
Speakers will be Maaike Verrips, Ellen-Rose Kambel, Ute Limacher-Riebold, Mindy McCracken/Josh Martin, and the host will be Milka Yemane. There will be a panel discussion with the speakers, Polish Culture NL, and Stichting Taal naar Keuze.
October 8 - 9, 2021
Hybrid-online event (based in Washington, D.C.)
The annual conference of the U.S. HL coalition will be held online as well as on site (if possible, to be determined).
The theme this year is "Promoting Collaboration among Educators, Families, and Researchers." This conference is for program directors and administrators of community-based heritage language schools; members of the language communities involved in these schools; and directors and leaders in public, private, and charter schools who are interested in working with community-based heritage language schools.
October 28, 2021
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
Diversiteit en kwaliteitsvol onderwijs kunnen perfect samengaan. Daar bestaat voldoende wetenschappelijk bewijs voor. Het blijkt ook uit de vele voorbeelden van scholen in binnen- en buitenland. Helaas vind je die nauwelijks terug in (o.a.) de lerarenopleidingen. Met zijn boek “Onderwijs in een gekleurde samenleving”, wil professor Orhan Agirdag (KU Leuven & UvA) dat veranderen op basis van een empirisch onderbouwd verhaal.
Het lectoraat Meertaligheid & Geletterdheid organiseert een online symposium, waarin dr. Orhan Agirdag als gastspreker zal optreden. Dit symposium is opengesteld voor iedereen die belangstelling heeft voor ‘Onderwijs in een gekleurde samenleving’. Deelname is gratis.
Heritage Language Instruction in a Virtual Context
October 28, 2021
December 2, 2021
January 20, 2022
March 3, 2022
Online events (based in the U.S.)
The Coalition of Community-Based Heritage Language Schools and the SAVA Online School invite you to a series of free online webinars "Heritage Language Instruction in a Virtual Context"
The first webinar is called School Model & Practices and it will take place on October 28, 2021 at 17:00 Eastern Standard Time. In order to receive the Zoom link, sign up using this registration form!
Sign up for all 4 webinars or just pick the ones you are interested in!
October 28, 2021 - School Model & Practices
December 2, 2021 - Instructional Design Alignment
January 20, 2022 - Technology Infused Curriculum: Necessity or Opportunity
March 3, 2022 - Parental Role in the Process of Heritage Language Learning
These interactive webinars encompass various topics such as the foundational elements of a successful school organization, instructional design alignment, online teaching methods, the application of web tools and emerging learning technologies (e.g. 360/VR) in the classroom. The parental role and peer learning strategies will be examined in depth. The workshops are purposefully designed for heritage language practitioners, administrators, and teachers.
A Certificate of Completion will be issued to the workshop participants.
November 2, 2021
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
De werkgroep Leesoffensief Eindhoven organiseert een Webinar over taalvaardigheid en ouderbetrokkenheid. Er bestaan grote verschillen tussen de taalvaardigheid van kinderen als zij starten op school. De invloed van ouders is onmiskenbaar. Maar het is niet voor alle ouders vanzelfsprekend om met hun kinderen te lezen, spelletjes te spelen of gesprekken te voeren.
Kun jij, als manager, directeur, leerkracht, mediacoach, pedagogisch medewerker of ondersteuner, bijdragen aan de thuistaalomgeving van de kinderen? Hoe doe je dat? En welke rol speelt meertaligheid hierin? Dr. Martine van der Pluijm, docent en onderzoeker bij Hogeschool Rotterdam, deed hier onderzoek naar en deelt haar inzichten met ons op dinsdag 2 november van 15.30 tot 17.00 uur tijdens een webinar. Wanneer je je hebt aangemeld, ontvang je na afloop een link om het webinar terug te kijken.
November 2 - November 4, 2021
Online event (based in Dublin)
Are you a primary school teacher or a post-primary language teacher? Do you want to provide your students who have a migrant or refugee background with more opportunities to use and develop their home language(s) at school, all while supporting raising proficiency levels in the language of schooling?
Then join us for a thematic seminar that will address such issues as literacy development, overall student well-being and motivation to engage in the learning process. The seminar will put a special emphasis on the classroom practices that can achieve simultaneous support for home languages and the languages of schooling.
November 8 - 11, 2021
Online event (based in Europe)
The PEaCH summit is organized by the PEaCH project, which is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission. The acronym PEaCH was derived from the main goal of our project: ‘preserving and promoting Europe’s cultural and linguistic heritage through empowerment of bilingual children and families’.
November 11 - 13, 2021
Online event (based in Sydney, Australia)
This conference is organized by the SICLE in Australia. Due to COVID-19, this conference will now take place online instead of face-to face. This conference explores community/heritage language education and its key role in maintaining and developing inter-generational linguistic and cultural understandings.
Lees-mediacoach Toos van den Beuken is te gast. Zij is werkzaam bij de Bibliotheek Helmond-Peel, waar anderstalige ouders worden gemotiveerd om voor te lezen in de moedertaal.
November 15, 2021
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
November 18, 2021
Wijkgebouw Gestel, Boccherinilaan 6, Eindhoven
Het bestuur is de brandende kern van elke stichting of vereniging. Hoe zorg je dat dit vuur blijft branden? Hoe behoud en vergroot je betrokkenheid? Hoe maak je het besturen aantrekkelijk voor een volgende generatie bestuurders? Hoe kom je aan nieuwe vrijwilligers en bestuurders?
Op deze en andere vragen krijg je praktische antwoord die je direct kunt gebruiken bij het besturen.
De workshop wordt gegeven door Frank Hoes, expert op het gebied van besturen, veranderen en leiderschap. Frank is trainer en adviseur voor vrijwilligersorganisaties, samensteller van de online training besturen ‘Krachtig Besturen’, auteur van het Witte Konijn. Naar inspirerend en eigenzinnig leiderschap en zelf vrijwilliger.
Neem je vragen over het besturen en het vrijwilligerswerk vooral mee, want Frank Hoes verzorgt een interactieve avond waarop volop ruimte is voor een eigen inbreng.
Minimale deelnemers 30 en maximaal 40
November 19 - 20, 2021
Online event (based in Europe)
FOHLC Europe is an exciting new collaboration between several organizations involved with heritage language education in Europe. HLE Network is one of the organizers. We are initiating an annual conference that we hope will become a new tradition of creating connections. It will be a chance for all involved in this area to come together once per year to share expertise and to discuss the needs of our organizations.
November 29 & 30, 2021
Paris, France
The 2nd International Symposium on Family Language Policy will be held in the year 2021 in Paris (or through video conference). This time the second edition will focus on the role of orality and language transmission under the theoretical framework of the family language policy.
Inge Jansen, ontwikkelaar van het curriculum Nederlands bij Stichting Leerplanontwikkeling (SLO), is te gast. Hoe ziet goed taalonderwijs eruit in 2022, en welke rol heeft meertaligheid daarin?
November 29, 2021
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
December 7, 2021
Designhuis, Stadshuisplein 3, Eindhoven
Digitale nieuwsbrieven zijn goedkoop en worden goed gelezen. Maar hoe maak je er eentje? Welk systeem kies je? Hoe voorkom je kosten? Waar moet je beginnen?
Als jouw stichting of vereniging een nieuwsbrief wil sturen is het belangrijk dat de opzet goed is, of het nu voor leden, sponsoren of geïnteresseerden is. Speciaal voor jou organiseert Supportpunt gratis workshops MailChimp.
Workshop voor beginners
MailChimp is een eenvoudig te gebruiken webprogramma waarmee je nieuwsbrieven kunt maken en verzenden en adressen kunt beheren. Met de gratis versie kunnen tot 2000 adressen gratis gemaild worden. Ook krijg je uitgebreide rapportages en kunnen ontvangers zich makkelijk uitschrijven. De nieuwsbrief van Supportpunt is een voorbeeld van een nieuwsbrief die gemaakt is met MailChimp.
Wil je voor je eigen organisatie ook zo’n nieuwsbrief? Schrijf je dan in voor de workshop MailChimp op dinsdag 7 december (max.1 deelnemer per organisatie). Ons communicatieteam werkt al jaren met MailChimp. Zij bespreekt de belangrijkste stappen in het opstellen en verzenden van uw nieuwsbrief. Aan het eind van deze avond is je eerste nieuwsbrief klaar.
Vergeet niet om je laptop mee te nemen! We hebben plaats voor 8 deelnemers dus schrijf je snel in!
December 13, 2021
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
Veel jongeren met een andere moedertaal dan het Nederlands schamen zich namelijk wel eens voor hun taal. Vier jonge social designers ontwikkelden daarom Taalvriendelijke Locaties, waar mensen zich bewust zijn van andere talen en waar ruimte is om fouten te maken. Ga mee in gesprek over ervaringen, gevolgen en oplossingen voor taalschaamte.
December 14, 2021
Online event (based in Europe)
Over the last eighteen months, the ECML’s Professional Network Forum has led an initiative focusing on the impact of the pandemic on language education. Co-funded as part of the ECML-EC Cooperation Agreement, this series of activities began with a Europe-wide survey on language teachers’ experiences during Covid and on lessons learned.
The colloquium will look back in order to move forward: it will report on the results of the survey which attracted over 1750 responses and on the activities which have followed it. These include two online think tanks, case studies by teachers, and a draft guide for language educators on how to cope with the kind of challenges caused by the pandemic.
December 21, 2021
Designhuis, Stadshuisplein 3, Eindhoven
Hoe voorkom je de belangrijkste oorzaak voor persoonlijke aansprakelijkheid als bestuurder van een stichting of vereniging?
De Portal biedt uitkomst. In deze workshop wordt ingegaan op de bestuurlijke aansprakelijkheid en hoe de belangrijkste oorzaak hiervan voorkomen kan worden door het gebruik van de Portal.
Om inzicht te geven en het directe gebruik te vergemakkelijken, organiseren wij een gratis workshop. We hebben ruimte voor maximaal 8 deelnemers, dus schrijf je snel in! VOL=VOL!
February 5 & 6, 2022
Online event (based in the U.S.)
An exploration of successful practices in HL program design and implementation, featuring:
Keynote speaker Dr. Michele Anciaux Aoki (see below)
The Heritage Meets Heritage Project (Yale University)
Poster presentations
Affinity group meetings
How are language programs from different educational levels and in different geographic locations meeting the needs of heritage language (HL) learners? What are some successful strategies for designing and growing HL programs? What are some innovative solutions to common challenges? These are some of the questions that this virtual fair seeks to explore.
This virtual event is free and open to the public. Registration will open on December 20th. Registered participants will receive a Zoom link.
February 12, 2022
Online event (based in U.S)
Language teaching colleagues from the University of Washington and around the state join together for their eighth symposium on working with heritage language learners. Keynote speaker Maria Carreira, PhD.
Webinar: Het ABC van meertaligheid op de basisschool
February 16, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
De Nederlandse samenleving is meertalig: naast het Nederlands worden er veel andere talen gesproken. Kinderen komen op de basisschool met hun eigen taalachtergrond: één of meerdere thuistalen en in sommige gevallen het Nederlands nog niet of pas net in ontwikkeling. Tijdens dit praktische en interactieve webinar gaan experts van SLO, Nuffic en het Nationaal Agentschap Erasmus+ in op vragen rondom meertaligheid op de basisschool. Sprekers: Jantien Smit (HU), Inge Jansen (SLO), Machteld Moonen (SLO), Annelijn Beltman (KC de Werf), Svetlana van Schilfgaarde (E+), Susanna van Citters (Nuffic), Stan van Laarhoven (Nuffic) (15:00 tot 16:30 uur)
UNESCO International Mother Language Day 2022
Using technology for multilingual learning: Challenges and opportunities
This event is organized by UNESCO on the occasion of the celebration of the 23rd edition of the International Mother Language Day. On Monday, February 21, 2022, from 11:00 to 13:00 (Central European Time).
February 21, 2022
Online event (based in Europe)
Internationale Moedertaaldag
February 21, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
In onze superdiverse samenlevingen in Nederland, Vlaanderen, Brussel en Suriname is het belangrijk dat we investeren in het Nederlands als gemeenschappelijke onderwijstaal en dat andere thuistalen van leerlingen mee kunnen worden ingezet om tot leren te komen. Ter gelegenheid van de Internationale Moedertaaldag op 21 februari organiseren de Taalunie, de UNESCO-commissies van Nederland, Vlaanderen en Suriname, de Nationale Taalraad Suriname, het Regionaal Informatiecentrum van de Verenigde Naties voor West-Europa, het Informatiecentrum van de Verenigde Naties voor het Caribisch gebied, en Drongo hierover een live webinar. Op maandag 21 februari 2022 van 14:00 tot 15:00 uur in Nederland, Vlaanderen en Brussel en van 10:00 tot 11:00 uur in Suriname, online op het drongo-platform.
Global Language Advocacy Day
February 22, 2022
Online event (based in the Netherlands)
22 februari is uitgeroepen tot de Internationale Dag voor Taalactivisme door de Global Coalition for Language Rights (GCLR). Het doel is om de bewustwording te vergroten en een dialoog op gang brengen over taal als mensenrecht. In het kader van deze nieuwe Internationale Dag voor Taalactivisme organiseert Drongo samen met de Rutu Foundation voor intercultureel meertalig onderwijs op 22 februari van 20:00-21:00 uur een online panelbijeenkomst. Tussen 20:00 en 21:00 zijn er presentaties van de verschillende sprekers met gelegenheid tot vragen. Van 21:00 tot 21:30 is er gelegenheid om door te praten voor wie dat wil. Engels en Nederlands zijn de voertalen tijdens deze bijeenkomst.
HLE Network Meetup: UNESCO Mother Tongue Day
February 24, 2022
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
To celebrate UNESCO Mother Tongue Day, we are offering the opportunity for heritage language program organizers and teachers to catch up virtually via MS Teams. We can rendezvous online from 20:00 - 21:15 on Thursday, February 24.
If you are a heritage language program organizer/teacher in Eindhoven and you are interested in joining, please email us to let us know which email address we can use to invite you. We will send you the link you need to participate.
April 9, 2022
Breda, the Netherlands
From Language Friendly Schools: We invite you to our first ever Language Friendly School Conference! On April 9, we will celebrate language inclusion with all the Language Friendly Schools in the network. The conference will be organized at the International School Breda.
With presentations and workshops from our Language Friendly Schools in the Netherlands, Spain, China, Canada, and Saba (Caribbean), we are celebrating language diversity around the world. The conference is an opportunity for Language Friendly School-teachers to meet each other in person. And to share strategies to make your school even more inclusive.
The conference is also open to teachers, students and parents or policy makers who want to find out how schools welcome and value all languages spoken by their students. There is a limited capacity, so register soon! We have early bird tickets (15 Euro) available for registration before March 23, and 25 Euro thereafter.
Multilingualism and COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Looking Forward: A Virtual Symposium
This symposium addresses the essential role that multilingualism must play in initiatives by the United Nations, Member States, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and other stakeholders to foster post-pandemic development. The symposium focuses on multilingualism with respect to Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3) and Quality Education (SDG 4).
May 3 - 4, 2022
Online event (based in Europe)
May 12, 2022
Online event (based in Europe)
Target group: pre-primary, primary and secondary teachers (of languages and other subjects)
Has your school opened its doors to refugees from Ukraine? What impact has this had on learning and teaching? Do you feel confident in supporting learners who struggle to understand you or to make themselves understood? Do you have access to appropriate resources?
This webinar will provide you with guidance and teaching resources to address these new challenges and ensure a welcoming atmosphere, conducive to learning. You will discover how best to value this linguistic diversity in your classroom in ways that also foster the development of the language of schooling.
May 13, 2022
Radboud University, Nijmegen
Nederland is een meertalige samenleving. Volgens het CBS spreekt 25% van de bevolking in Nederland thuis meestal een andere taal dan standaardnederlands. In de meeste steden in Nederland worden naar schatting honderden thuistalen gesproken.
De middag staat in het teken van de dilemma's waar de toegenomen meertaligheid de samenleving voor plaatst. Zonder gezamenlijke taal kunnen we elkaar niet verstaan. Maar hoe meer talenkennis, hoe beter de superdiverse samenleving functioneert. Hoeveel ruimte kunnen, willen en moeten we maken voor andere talen? Die vraag is heel actueel in het onderwijs en de kinderopvang, maar ook op het werk, op straat en eigenlijk overal.
In het eerste plenaire deel zoomen we in op het onderwijs. Drie deskundigen met verschillende visies op deze kwestie gaan met elkaar en met het publiek in gesprek. In het interactieve gedeelte maak je kennis met inspirerende materialen, en kun je in discussie gaan over de diemma’s rond meertaligheid in en buiten het onderwijs. Adriaan van Dis vertelt over de invloed van verschillende talen op zijn leven en op zijn werk als schrijver.
Celebration of Eindhoven's International Children's Book Collection
May 21, 2022
Eindhoven Library
In May, the youth department of the Eindhoven Library will have special visitors. Eindhoven's Mayor Jorritsma will officially open the International Children's Book Collection. Together with The Reading Pier the library had already added English language books. Since then, many more languages have been added, facilitated by HLE Network: Italian, Chinese, French, Romainian, Persian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, and Polish. And more languages will follow!
May 22, 2022
Bibliotheek de Marienburg, Nijmegen
Het Kletskoppen Festival gaat door! Zie flyer en poster. Doe ondertussen vooral mee aan de Online spelletjes. En wetenschappers bezoeken ook nog steeds scholen in het kader van Kletskoppen in de Klas. Mocht je je festivalgevoel alvast weer even willen laten kriebelen, kijk dan vooral terug naar de laatste editie die plaatsvond op 29 februari 2020. Zie de aftermovie of het mooie fotoverslag. Of lees de Kletskrant die tijdens het festival door aanwezige kinderen werd gemaakt. In de aanloop naar het festival verscheen een interview met OpperKletskop Sharon Unsworth in De Gelderlander en na afloop in de VPRO-Gids. En natuurlijk was er het promotiefilmpje van Confidans!
May 23 - 35, 2022
Online event (based in U.S.)
A three-day online colloquium featuring workshops, panels, and networking opportunities for heritage educators. Hosted by University of Colorado, Denver and the Multilingual Lab at Michigan State University. Invited speakers: Francesca Venezia, Julio Torres, and Young-A Son.
The colloquium is free except for the three main sessions ($10 each). A limited number of $200 fellowships are available for educators and scholars from heritage, indigenous, bilingual, or transnational backgrounds.
Application and full schedule details here.
June 5, 2022
Hybrid event (based in Bangkok)
Global research has demonstrated that children who speak ethnic minority languages at home yet study in majority languages at school exhibit lower levels of literacy and numeracy than their peers. More recently, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic these ethnolinguistic minority children have fallen even further behind, partly due to their inability to access distance learning materials in languages they understand. In addition, many of these children are representative of a ‘digital divide’ in their lacking electronic devices or internet access in low socioeconomic or geographically remote communities.
The side event, ‘Building Back Better: Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education for Ethnic Minority Children’ will discuss how mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB MLE) can significantly help such learners. Our expert panel will address fundamental issues with guiding questions, such as:
What is MTB MLE and how does it improve students’ learning outcomes?
How does MTB MLE help students learn other languages, including English?
What digital learning tools are most helpful for children who don’t speak the school language and have limited internet access?
How does MTB MLE engage local communities and promote social harmony and inclusion?
How would endorsing UNESCO’s Bangkok Statement on Language and Inclusion help a country achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4)?
June 9, 2022
Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam
Droom jij er soms van om van taal je beroep te maken? Of heb je een opleiding gedaan rond taal of communicatie en vraag je je af hoe je daarmee verder kunt op de arbeidsmarkt? Dan mag je deze avond zeker niet missen! Ontdek in dit gesprek met taalprofessionals van diverse pluimage de veelheid aan mogelijkheden om met taal je brood (en meer) te verdienen. Dat gaat veel verder dan vertaler worden of docent.
Maak kennis met ons meertalige panel. Samen spreken zij onder andere Chinees, Duits, Engels, Frans, Koreaans, Lingala, Nederlands en Spaans (op alfabetische volgorde). Zij vertellen je wat hun werk behelst, hoe ze daarin terechtgekomen zijn, en welke mogelijkheden er nog meer zijn. En je kunt al je vragen stellen!
June 14, 2022
Online event (based in Europe)
In February this year, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the first comprehensive Recommendation in the field of languages - Recommendation R(2022)1 on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture.
This webinar will explain the background to this Recommendation - where it came from, how it is structured, and why it was adopted. It will focus on key messages and what these mean for decision-makers, drawing on the seven principles that underpin the Recommendation's conception of plurilingual and intercultural education. It will conclude by outlining the series of follow-up events planned for the academic year 2022-2023 that will explore specific aspects of the Recommendation and their implications for different target groups.
Target group: education decision-makers at national/regional or institutional levels
June 15, 2022
Online event (based in U.S.)
In this webinar, Dr. Renata Emilsson Peskova from Móðurmál, the Association on Bilingualism, in Iceland, will introduce the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and describe how SDGs connect to the work of the schools, why SDGs are relevant, and how using SDGs can strengthen the work of the schools. Webinar participants will learn about concrete ideas and first steps to take to engage with SDGs.
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Register here and share the Facebook Event
June 16 - 17, 2022
Los Angeles, U.S. & Zoom
Our conference will focus on heritage and community language studies as a multidisciplinary field impacting a variety of educational contexts. We welcome submissions from disciplines including but not limited to anthropology, demographics, linguistics, sociology, applied linguistics, policy, psychology, bilingualism, education, and assessment.
June 20 - 24, 2022
Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
Modern societies host a superdiverse population where social exclusion or marginalization may prevent people's wellbeing and health. For instance, most public administrations make important efforts in implementing policies aimed at teaching the majority language to the newcomers (Dutch, German, or English), but most practitioners know that there is more than that to do to foster social cohesion. In certain schools, the student population is so diverse that dozens of languages from local and migrant minorities are spoken in the schoolyard, to the point that some schools have adopted restrictive policies about language use in class and in the school area. What are the best policies for addressing this diversity? This interdisciplinary school is meant for graduate students, PhD students, early career researchers and professionals with an interest in diversity management and social justice.
June 22 - 24, 2022
Granada, Spain
This is a joint conference of the EECERA SIG “Multilingual Childhoods” and the AILA ELLReN (Early Language Learning Research Network), organised by the Department of Languages and Literature Education of the University of Granada. It aims to facilitate a forum of discussion for researchers and practitioners on language learning and multilingual education in the early years (0-12 years olds). It is planned in a hybrid format so that possibilities of physical and virtual participation will be offered.
June 27 - 29, 2022
Warsaw, Poland
The International Federation of Language Teacher Associations, the Polish Association of Modern Languages and the Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Warsaw, Poland invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation or workshop during the World Congress of Modern Languages which will be held in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Polish Association of Modern Languages in Warsaw. The theme of the event reflects the unprecedented challenges and difficulties that we have had to confront and adjust to in all aspects of our lives as a result of the pandemic, including language education, which for the most part has had to rely on online resources and new technologies.
June 28, 2022
Datum en tijd: Dinsdag 28 juni 2022, 19.00 - 21.30 uur
Locatie: Supportpunt (Raadszaal Designhuis), Stadhuisplein 3, 5611 EM Eindhoven
Maximaal aantal deelnemers: 20 penningmeesters of verantwoordelijken voor de financiën van een non profit organisatie.
Tijdens deze bijeenkomst speciaal voor verenigingen wordt stilgestaan bij de bijzondere kenmerken van de begroting voor een vereniging en de procedure voor goedkeuring.
June 30, 2022
Datum en tijd: Donderdag 30 juni 2022, 19.00 - 21.30 uur
Locatie: Supportpunt (Raadszaal Designhuis), Stadhuisplein 3, 5611 EM Eindhoven
Maximaal aantal deelnemers: 20 penningmeesters of verantwoordelijken voor de financiën van een non profit organisatie in Eindhoven.
Tijdens deze bijeenkomst speciaal voor stichtingen wordt stilgestaan bij de bijzondere kenmerken van de begroting voor een stichting en de procedure voor het indienen voor subsidies en fondsaanvragen.
Events 2020-2021
HLSE Meetup: European Day of Languages
September 24, 2020
MS Teams
It is unfortunately not possible to have a usual face-to-face HLSE Meetup for European Language Day, so we would like to offer the opportunity for heritage language program organizers to catch up virtually via MS Teams. We can rendezvous online from 19:30 - 20:30 on Thursday, September 24.
If you are a heritage language program organizer/teacher in Eindhoven and you are interested in joining, please email us to let us know which email address we can use to invite you. We will send you the link you need to participate. You can participate through your browser if you do not want to download Teams.
Each participant will have the chance to tell the others about how things have been going since the last Meetup in February 2020, just before the lockdown in the Netherlands. You will also have the chance to ask any questions you may have about the HLSE Webinar planned for October.
(See summary of this event.)
DRONGO Talenfestival
October 2 - 3, 2020
Online event (based in Nijmegen)
Het thema van het DRONGO talenfestival 2020 is lezen. Lezen is leuk en het is goed voor je. Jaarlijks verschijnen er honderden prachtige boeken en er is een heel actieve leescultuur in Nederland. Lezen leidt tot een betere woordenschat, zorgt voor een betere focus en concentratie, traint de verbeelding en maakt je slimmer. Maatschappelijk gezien zorgt een gezonde leescultuur voor beter werk, minder schulden en een betere volksgezondheid. Lezen is een onmisbare competentie om maatschappelijk mee te draaien.
Het festival heeft dit jaar een hybride karakter: een ijzersterk offline programma dat wordt gelivestreamd, en een ongeëvenaard online programma. Registratie
HLSE organized an event to bring together heritage language programs and Dutch primary school teachers. See all details here.
October 8, 2020
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference
October 9 - 10, 2020
Online event (based in Washington, D.C.)
The 7th annual Conference of Community-Based Heritage Language Schools will be held online this year. The organizers hope that it gives many more people the opportunity to participate. It will be held Friday, October 9, 12:30 – 6:00 PM and Saturday, October 10, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM – in the Eastern U.S. time zone.
After the conference opening, participants will have an opportunity to interact with leaders of organizations and initiatives that are of interest and can be helpful to heritage language schools. There will then be six workshops on topics that are of interest to leaders in these schools. Participants will be able to take part in all six workshops, if desired. There will also be a panel of leaders in the language field, with whom participants will be able to interact. (See schedule here.)
To view videos prepared in advance by panelists, click here.
(You can find links to the presentation slides and the presentation recordings in the 2020 Schedule section.)
October 22, 2020
Online event
A webinar on October 22 from 20:00 - 20:45, hosted by Dr. Ellen-Rose Kambel, director of the Rutu Foundation and Dr. Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman, University of Toronto who are the co-founders of the Language Friendly School. They will present an overview of what the Language Friendly School is and what the benefits are of becoming part of their network. There is room for a limited number of guests to allow for optimal interaction.
Multilingual Primary Schools
November 13, 2020
Online event (based in Dublin)
Event by the Virtual Language App, in short VirtuLApp, a 3-year Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership project. It aims at developing an innovative multi-didactic approach which teachers can use in the classroom in any (multilingual) situation. The needs of teachers – more knowledge about and tools for multilingual education, integration of migrant languages, and less language separation – will be addressed with the development of a multi-player augmented reality game for multilingual pupils and the development of a toolkit which exists of a digital handbook and didactic videos.
The project is coordinated by the Mercator European Research Centre, hosted at the Fryske Akademy in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. Other partners working at the project are ATiT (Belgium), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), University of the Basque Country (Spain) and LUCA School of Arts (Belgium).
Virtual Summit on Teaching Heritage Languages With Project-Based Learning
November 13 - 14, 2020
Online event (based in U.S.)
For and by teachers, this collaborative online event aims to bring together language educators from all levels of instruction and language backgrounds to share their projects and explore ways to create a hub of information on best practices, resources, and tips for heritage language (HL) teachers and programs to implement project-based learning (PBL).
PBL is a proficiency-oriented instructional approach that supports real-world language use, fosters student engagement, and facilitates learner-centered instruction. These features make PBL ideal for teaching HL learners.
Registration costs $75.00 and the deadline is November 12.
Kennisfestival: Beyond Borders by Brainport Development
November 19, 2020
Online event (based in Brainport region, Eindhoven)
Donderdag 19 november van 15.00-17.00 uur wordt het online Kennisfestival Beyond Borders georganiseerd. Voor het zesde jaar op rij en dit jaar in het teken van taalvaardigheid, interculturele samenwerking en wereldburgerschap.
Onze regio stelt haar grenzen open voor kenniswerkers, arbeidsmigranten en statushouders. Binnen het onderwijs moeten we daarom grenzen verleggen. Zodat alle kinderen met verschillende nationaliteiten, van Nederlands tot Roemeens en Indiaas, dankzij jouw inspanningen klaargestoomd worden voor de arbeidsmarkt van de toekomst. Daarom het Kennisfestival: Beyond Borders.
Digitale Leerweek, Meertaligheid troef in het onderwijs
November 17 - November 26, 2020
online event (based in Belgium)
Kom in 2020 nog meer te weten over de thema meertaligheid! Neem van 17 tot 26 november deel aan een internationale leerweek. Tijdens deze digitale editie verwelkomen ze partners uit hun VVOB-partnerlanden Vietnam en Zuid-Afrika die hun ervaringen en inspirerende praktijken zullen delen over omgaan met meertaligheid in het onderwijs.
Wat mag je verwachten?
Presentaties over meertaligheid en onderwijs in Vietnam, Zuid-Afrika en België
Boeiende dialogen met academici en practitioners
Uitwisselingen tussen onderwijsprofessionals
November 19, November 26, and December 10, 2020
online event (based in Amsterdam)
Dit is het derde jaar dat het Sirius Policy Network on Migrant Education in samenwerking met de Rutu Foundation een Nationale Rondetafel in Nederland organiseert rond het thema ‘meertaligheid in het onderwijs’. Dit jaar is de focus gericht op taalvriendelijk onderwijs. Samen met onderwijsprofessionals, beleidsmakers en ouders gaan we in gesprek tijdens drie online bijeenkomsten met elk een eigen thema:
19 november 2020: aflevering 1 – Het klaslokaal. Welke aanpak werkt rond meertaligheid in de klas? Leerkrachten lichten hun praktijk toe en en laten zien hoe deze aanpak hun meertalige leerlingen met een migratieachtergrond helpt, en een positief effect heeft voor de ééntalige leerlingen.
26 november 2020: aflevering 2 – De school. Wat hebben scholen nodig om een schoolbrede taalvriendelijke aanpak te ontwikkelen? Schoolleiders van Taalvriendelijke Scholen vertellen over hun ervaring en waar zij tegenaan lopen bij de implementatie.
10 december 2020: aflevering 3 – Het beleid. Wat is er nodig om taalvriendelijk onderwijs in te voeren op alle scholen? Wie zijn de verantwoordelijke instellingen en personen? Hoe kunnen we ze bereiken?
Aan het eind van de serie worden concrete beleidsaanbevelingen opgenomen in een actieplan voor taalvriendelijk onderwijs in Nederland. Dit wordt aangeboden aan de onderwijskoepels en het ministerie van Onderwijs.
November 20 - 21, 2020
Online event (based in Reykjavík, Iceland, and Dublin Ireland)
The 2020 edition of the Heritage Language Education Conference is organised jointly by Mother Tongues (Ireland) & Móðurmál (Iceland) and will take place online from 20:00 CET to 22:00 CET on November 20 and from 17:00 CET to 19:30 CET on Saturday, November 21. Click here for the conference program.
This year more than ever, community-based language schools need to stand together and learn from each other. Our 2020 edition of the Heritage Language Education Conference creates a unique opportunity for teachers, researchers and all professionals involved in heritage language schooling to get familiar with the newest research, share experience and explore ideas to support heritage language education. This year’s main goal is to promote the value of international collaboration among professionals interested in community languages teaching and learning. Together we can go further.
The conference is free for Mother Tongues and Móðurmál members, as well as for heritage language programs in Eindhoven who participate in HLSE's network!. If you are an HL program active in HLSE, email heritagelanguageschools040@gmail.com for the free participation link. If you are not a member of Mother Tongues, Móðurmál, or an HL program active in HLSE, you can register using this link.
November 30, 2020
Online event (based in U.S.)
The U.S. HL coalition reports the results of surveys conducted (in March and June, 2020) with leaders in community-based schools in the U.S. and Canada, where they describe how they are functioning and growing during the COVID-19 transition.
Webinar recording, PowerPoint slides, and more can be accessed on the Coalition website.
Technology in Community-Based Heritage Schools
January 21, 2020
Online event (based in U.S.)
The U.S. HL coalition will hold a series of virtual discussions about technology platforms and tools for community-based schools. Their first discussion will be held on January 21, 7:00-8:30 EST and led by Agnes Tounkara from the French Heritage Language Program in New York City.
To be able to participate, fill out the registration form by January 15. You will receive the Zoom link a few days before the event.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Online event (based in Friesland)
Heb je zin om te brainstormen over het onderwijs? Wil je meer weten over talige diversiteit in het onderwijs, of wil je je kennis hierover delen? Dan ben je op 29 januari 2021 van harte welkom op het onlinecongres Talige Diversiteit in het Onderwijs (TaDivO) - een meertalige dag met veel inspiratiesessies en mogelijkheden voor (online) uitwisseling.
Doelgroep: Lerarenopleiders, leerkrachten en docenten, onderzoekers, studenten, logopedisten, speciaal onderwijs, NT2-professionals, BSO, huiswerkbegeleiding, schoolmaatschappelijk werk, jeugdzorg, beleidsmakers, en ieder ander die de alledaagse meertaligheid waardeert en er meer over wil weten.
Discussie-uurtje "Meer Talen in het onderwijs"
February 17, 2021 (and following Wednesdays)
online (based in Amsterdam)
Elke woensdagmiddag organiseert Stichting Taal naar Keuze een online discussie-uurtje, van 16.30 - 17.30, om met schoolleiders, taaldocenten, en andere belanghebbenden te praten over meer talen in het onderwijs. Het kan gaan over de relatie thuistalen en gelijke kansen, over organisatorische kwesties, over wat mag en kan volgens de wet, etc. Het uurtje wordt geopend door een pitch van een special guest.
Op 17 februari is de special guest Laurens Runderkamp, docent Duits en Geschiedenis op Spinoza20first in Amsterdam.
HLSE Meetup: UNESCO Mother Tongue Day
February 18, 2021
MS Teams
To celebrate UNESCO Mother Tongue Day, we are offering the opportunity for heritage language program organizers and teachers to catch up virtually via MS Teams. We can rendezvous online from 20:00 - 21:15 on Thursday, February 18.
If you are a heritage language program organizer/teacher in Eindhoven and you are interested in joining, please email us to let us know which email address we can use to invite you. We will send you the link you need to participate. You can participate through your browser if you do not want to download Teams.
2021 International Mother Language Day
Fostering multilingualism for inclusion in education and society
February 19, 2021
online event (based in Paris)
The theme of the 2021 International Mother Language Day, “Fostering multilingualism for inclusion in education and society,” recognizes that languages and multilingualism can advance inclusion, and the Sustainable Development Goals’ focus on leaving no one behind. UNESCO believes education, based on the first language or mother tongue, must begin from the early years as early childhood care and education is the foundation of learning.
Technical specifications: The webinar will be held in English, French and Spanish with simultaneous interpretation, as well as in French sign language. It will be conducted through the Zoom webinar platform. Participants will receive the link to the event upon registration. It takes place from 10:00 CET to 12:30.
Six days of panels, webinars, and round table discussions.
February 22 - 27, 2021
Online event (based in Europe)
March 3, 2021
Online event (based in Brummen)
In het literair café Brummen online om 20:00 op 3 maart gaat Marit Törnqvist een lezing houden over de waarde van het behouden van je moedertaal voor je identiteit en ontwikkeling.
Zij zal vertellen
over haar eigen moedertaal, wat het betekende te verhuizen naar een land waar zij de taal niet kende
over de verchillende welkomstboeken die zijn samenstelde in het arabisch tijdens de vluchtelingengolf 2015-2016
over hoe taal overleven is als je op de vlucht bent en hoe het voor sommige getraumatiseerde onmogelijk is een nieuwe taal te leren
over bruggen slaan met taal
maar ook over de extreem rechtse partij Svverigdemokraterna in Zweden die boeken in eigen taal uit de bibliotheken willen halen en wat dat eigenlijk betekent
U kunt zich uiterlijk 2 maart aanmelden bij taalmarkt@brummencultuur.nl als u de lezing online wilt bijwonen en voor meer informatie. Iedereen die zich aanmeldt voor de lezing ontvangt van tevoren een inlogcode en uitleg over de gang van zaken.
Raising Multilingual Children
March 18, 2021
online event (based in Tilburg)
Would you like to understand how to raise happy and successful children in today’s multicultural environment? Want to know more about promoting multilingual development? This event is organized by the Tilburg International Club.
March 29, 2021
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
A new law (Wet Bestuur en Toezicht Rechtspersonen) will take effect on July 1, 2021, that has to do with foundations (stichtingen) and associations (verenigingen) in the Netherlands. With the law, the government wants to prevent mismanagement, irresponsible financial management, self-enrichment, abuse of positions, and other undesirable activities from harming foundations and associations. Stichting Supportpunt Eindhoven is organizing a webinar (in Dutch) on Monday, March 29, from 19:30 to 20:30 to discuss the new law and its implications. Those who are interested can register here.
GroenLinks Online Meetup: Feeling at Home in Eindhoven
March 31, 2021
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
The political party GroenLinks is organizing an online event (in English) on Wednesday, March 31, from 20:00 to 21:00 for the international community to ask them: what do you need to feel at home in Eindhoven? Several members of the HLSE community are signed up to this event to give voice to the needs of multilingual children in Eindhoven and their right to heritage language education. If you are interested in joining, you can register here for the GroenLinks event.
Expat Kids & Parents Lounge
April 15, 2021
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
During the Holland Expat Center South's Expat Kids & Parents Lounge, you will be able to speak directly with parties that can help your family settle into the region! The event takes place on April 15, 2021, from 14:00 to 15:30. The following organizations will present during our event:
Heritage Language Schools Eindhoven
Midwifery Practice Eindhoven
Expat Kids Eindhoven
Eindhoven Sport - Swimming Classes at Tongelreep & Ir. Ottenbad
Korein Kinderplein - Childcare Services
David Lloyd Eindhoven - GymKids Club & Kids Sports Activities
There's no charge to attend, but registration is required.
Understanding Bilingual Children
June 3, 2021
Online event (based in Eindhoven)
In this online event, parents can hear expert speaker Dr. Franck Scola discuss the development of multilingual children. Dr. Scola sees that multilingual children can be misdiagnosed. What is a real speech impairment and what should parents not worry about? Dr. Scola will outline different types of multilingualism and will deconstruct some preconceived ideas about it. He will review several notions about becoming bilingual during childhood that have to do with cognitive, academic, medical, speech, and identity development.
This was an event organized by HLSE. More details are available here.
Webinar: Meertaligheid
July 13, 2021
Online (based in Eindhoven)
A free webinar with speaker Marinella Orioni has been organized by werkgroep Leesoffensief, to address multilingualism (in Dutch) on July 13.
Events 2019-2020
September 14, 2019
Reigerlaan Basisschool
The Korean School Eindhoven will celebrate its opening with a ceremony, with visitors from the Korean embassy. After the ceremony, a "Lekker Korea" charity event will follow where attendees will have a chance to taste some Korean food. All proceeds will go to the Korean school.
Raising Multilingual Children
September 15, 2019
Eindhoven Library
Eindhoven is becoming increasingly international, and both children and schools go through a process of adjusting to this intercultural and multilingual environment. One of the first and most important tasks of expat children is to master the Dutch language. Many of these children are already born into multilingual families, exposed to at least two languages from their parents.
This talk by Elif Durgel will help parents become informed about the benefits of multilingual development and importance of mastering the local language for their children. Parents will leave this session with a clear understanding of which strategies they can to use to ensure happy and healthy language development of their multilingual children.
HLSE Meetup: European Day of Languages
September 26, 2019
Stadsbrouwerij, Eindhoven
What better way to celebrate the European Day of Languages than for the members of the HLSE community to meet up for a borrel? From 19:30 - 22:30 on Thursday, September 26, you are welcome to drop by the Stadsbrouwerij for a drink and a chat. There is no agenda and everyone pays for his/her own drinks/snacks. There will be some catching up between heritage language school heads -- and maybe even some brainstorming. Hope to see you there!
Inauguration of ICIN-Education
September 28, 2019
SALTO International School RISE
ICIN-Education will celebrate its opening with a ceremony at the SALTO International School RISE. On the agenda (starting at 11:00) is an opening, registration and Q&A, and a talk on Mahatma Gandhi and non-violence by Ms. Kanta Rani from the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Embassy of India. Following this there will be a meet and greet with the language teachers as well as coffee and tea with snacks. View invitation.
October 3, 2019
This conference brings together professionals in the field of language development and education on current topics. In a diverse society like the Dutch you meet children daily who grow up multilingual. Children of migrants and refugees often speak a different language at home than at school. However, children are often assumed to have Dutch as their mother tongue.
How does the language development of multilingual children work? How do you arrive at an integral pedagogical-didactic approach within multicultural classes?
This congress is intended for higher professional education (HBO) and academically trained professionals who are (jointly) responsible for contributing to the language development of multilingual children and teenagers. Think of speech therapists, linguists, teachers, education advisers, remedial teachers, ambulatory counselors, VVE employees, behavioral experts, psychologists, and pediatricians.
Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference
October 12, 2019
Washington, D.C.
The 6th Annual Community-Based Heritage Language Schools Conference will be held at American University in the United States. The conference will include informative sessions for school administrators, teachers, and researchers about developing and maintaining a strong community-based program. Their keynote speakers, Antonella Cortese and Trudi Aberdeen, with the International & Heritage Languages Association (IHLA) in Alberta, Canada, will describe their community-based schools initiatives and propose ways to collaborate.
Is this conference way too far away? You can still check out video from their 2018 conference here.
DRONGO Talenfestival
October 25 - 26, 2019
The theme of the 8th edition of the DRONGO language festival is "The impact of language." At the DRONGO language festival 2019 it is not only about what language is, but also about what language does. As a means for development and as a source of pleasure, as a cause of inequality and as a result of fantasy. View program for 2019, including talks about multilingualism and the heritage language, such as DE IMPACT VAN DE THUISTAAL OP MEERTALIGE KINDEREN and HOEVEEL TALEN SPREEK JIJ?
October 30, 2019
The event Thuis in Taal: De meerwaarde van meertaligheid in het onderwijs is organized in collaboration with Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam and Stichting Platform Sociale Binding. The event will take place from 20:00 - 21:30 at Spui 25 in Amsterdam. Registration is free, but cancellations must be reported.
Mother tongue lessons help children learn Dutch. Nevertheless, the government decided in 2004 to abolish this type of education. Instead, heritage language schools were established where children are taught in their own language. In the current situation, the migrant communities themselves have been made responsible for education in their own language, with certain inconveniences. During this program we reflect on the role and responsibility of national and local government when it comes to a vision of language skills in education and beyond.
November 11 - 15, 2019
Amsterdam (IAIE)
This conference focuses on sharing insights pertaining to the fields of Intercultural Education, Multicultural Education, Human Rights Education, Citizenship Education, and Education for Democracy and Global Education, when it comes to addressing present day diversity issues. The international conference will allow teachers, students and academics to share insights and experiences, and to be exposed to the state of the art research on issues relating to diversity and education. Participants will also be able to gain new knowledge and grow their skill set through training.
In sum, this conference will focus the challenges and opportunities relating to teaching and learning in diverse environments in the 21st century. The first days of the conference will focus on practical workshops, while the second part of the conference will have more of an academic focus with scholars presenting their research.
December 5, 2019
After a year of testing and piloting, the Rutu Foundation is pleased to announce that the first two Language Friendly Schools are the St. Janschool and DENISE, both in They are now ready to expand their global network and they invite all those interested to join them for a special webinar to discuss: What is a Language Friendly School? How can my school join? What are the benefits of being part of this global network?
The event takes place at 15:00-15:45 Central European Time (Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin). Click here to access the webinar.
Raising Multilingual Children
December 11, 2019
De Hangar, Meerhoven
One of the most fundamental issues that expats moving abroad are faced with is bi/multilingualism with regard to themselves and to their children. Especially when it comes to raising bilingual or multilingual children, parents are often faced with many questions and dillemmas. As Meerhoven is more than abundant in multilingual children, Meerhoven Internationals Platform has invited Elif Durgel - a psychologist who specializes in parenting and child development in intercultural contexts, to talk about these challenges. Elif Durgel runs Roots and Wings Academy where she provides coaching and workshops for parents and gives internationalization trainings to schools.
The talk takes place from 19:00 to 21:00. The event is free of charge but registration is required.
January 22 - February 1, 2020
Eindhoven Library
As a celebration of the Nationale Voorleesdagen in the Netherlands, the Picture Book of the Year Grumpy Duck will be read aloud in 10 different languages at the Eindhoven Library. Check here regularly to see which languages will be read.
February 5, 2020
In the inaugural lecture of Dr. Joana Duarte, professor in Multilingualism and Literacy at the Academy for Primary Education, a plea will be made for both the teachers as researchers in their own practice and for a stronger connection between education, research and practice in the field of multilingual education. In addition, the newest material and the newest tools in this area will be presented for both primary and secondary education.
The program takes place between 14:30 and 17:30 in Leeuwarden and ends with a pleasant drink.
February 6, 2020
This event organized by Brainport Eindhoven takes place from 15:30 to 19:00 at the Jan van Brabant College in Helmond. The attendees will be teachers and middle management from Dutch primary and secondary schools. The description below is in Dutch. As a part of the program, Gisi Cannizzaro and Diana Angelova will present information in a talk about the HLSE initiative. See program and registration information.
Twee rondes, zes sprekers per ronde en alles binnen het thema ‘taal en culturele achtergrond’. Dat noemen we een miniconferentie: binnen twee en half uur heb je nieuwe contacten gelegd, ideeën opgedaan en problemen opgelost voor je school. Er komen per jaar drie miniconferenties met elk een eigen thema. 7 november trappen we af met de eerste miniconferentie ‘Look who’s talking’. Elke miniconferentie is snel, informatief, gezellig en to the point. Natuurlijk sluiten we af met een borrel.
HLSE Meetup: International Mother Language Day
February 20, 2020
Stadsbrouwerij, Eindhoven
What better way to celebrate the UNESCO Mother Language Day than for the members of the HLSE community to meet up for a borrel? From 19:30 - 22:30 on Thursday, February 20, you are welcome to drop by the Stadsbrouwerij for a drink and a chat. There is no agenda and everyone pays for his/her own drinks/snacks. There will be some catching up between heritage language school heads -- and maybe even some brainstorming. Hope to see you there!
(Note that this event was moved from Friday, February 21, to Thursday, February 20, in relation to the Carnaval crowds expected on the Friday.)
February 29, 2020
Centrum Lokomotywa has organized an event to encourage the use of parental native languages and to discuss multilingual upbringing and education. The event is for: multilingual families, policy makers, professionals working in a multilingual environment, teachers with multilingual classes, teachers in language schools, and anybody facing the challenge of bringing up multilingual children. There will be four speakers and a panel discussion. For the program and registration, visit here.
February 29, 2020
At Kletskoppen Kindertaal Festival you can join in on loads of exciting activities: interactive demonstrations of scientific experiments, informative language games, surprising children’s lectures, crash courses in foreign languages, multilingual book readings, and much more!
The festival is organized by language researchers from the Radboud University and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen. They are all studying child language development from different perspectives: from babies to teens, from spoken language to sign language, from monolinguals to multilinguals. At the festival they will show what they do, why research is so important and how interesting language learning is!
Language Friendly School Webinar by Rutu Foundation
May 7, 2020
Online event
The webinars are free and open to parents, teachers, school administrators, researchers, and anybody interested in making schools more inclusive. To be discussed: how teachers and parents can work together to achieve the best outcome for multilingual children. The special guest is Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold. To join, please register.