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Caregivers and communities need public support to raise their children bilingually
Zurich’s Herkunftssprachlicher Unterricht (HSU): a well-functioning model of HL education
HLE Network joins the podcast It’s About Language
HLE Network board welcomes Dr. Anne van Buul
Nu in het Nederlands!
New flyer for Expat Center
A home filled with languages
HLE Network interviewed in national news for UNESCO Mother Language Day
HLE Network gains ANBI recognition
Importance of multilingual education for a democratic culture
Do monolingual school websites hinder parental engagement?
Why pronouncing students' names correctly is so important
Students who identify as multilingual perform better at school, study shows
Now available: guidelines for professional practices in heritage language education
A story of language loss: Sicilian Americans in New Orleans in the 20th Century
Zeven initiatieven voor nieuwkomers en vluchtelingen
Gülsah Güngöz van Dijk is nominated for the Community Top 040
Helping the supplementary schools of England achieve excellence: Meet the NRCSE
Het Nederlands en de andere talen: samen op school
HLE Network Meetup for European Day of Languages
How to revamp a HL program: the story of the Polish School of Eindhoven
The Polish School of Eindhoven welcomes two Erasmus+ interns
Reading in the Heritage Language: A video series for parents
Punishing children for using their mother tongue at school is not allowed