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Terugblik op event "Meertaligheid van Eindhovense jeugd in Beeld"
Proudly recognized for network activities in Eindhoven's Inclusivity Program
A global crisis of language loss
Inclusive society on display: picture gallery from multilingual storytelling series in Eindhoven
Which lawmakers value heritage language education?
Brussels library breaks world record with reading relay in 65 languages
Voor reguliere scholen: 5 manieren om de Dag van de Moedertaal te vieren
Fifteen languages at Eindhoven's National Reading Days 2023
Amsterdam City Council votes to promote language friendly schools
Support linguistic diversity on GivingTuesday
Discrimination is more of an issue for second generation immigrants in the Netherlands
Meertaligheid is als een goudmijn
Podcast: Taaldiversiteit voor meer kansengelijkheid in ons onderwijs
Eindhoven Library celebrates the International Children's Book Collection
Caregivers and communities need public support to raise their children bilingually
A home filled with languages
Importance of multilingual education for a democratic culture
Do monolingual school websites hinder parental engagement?
Students who identify as multilingual perform better at school, study shows
Zeven initiatieven voor nieuwkomers en vluchtelingen