March 13, 2023

January 22, 2023, marked the first virtual meeting of a Global Heritage Language Think Tank. More than thirty professionals involved in heritage language education from across the world came together to generate ideas about how to improve the recognition, visibility, vitality, quality, and sustainability of Community-Based Heritage Language (CBHL) educational programs worldwide. They will continue to meet regularly to facilitate collaboration on global projects.
What the Think Tank does
The goal of the Think Tank is to connect experts and spark ideas. If any participants are enthusiastic about pursuing a particular proposal, they can collaborate and make it a reality. The ideas developed by the HL Global Think Tank go beyond the local context, with the potential to have broader impact. An example a project (which preceded the Think Thank, but led to its formation) is the International Guidelines to Professional Practices in Community-Based Heritage Language Schools.
Participants in the Think Tank
The group includes experts on the topic of heritage language education coming from a variety of linguistic and professional backgrounds, including academia, advocacy, activism, coalition leadership, assessment testing, grassroots organizations, and school boards. HLE Network is proud to host the webpage that announces the Think Tank and that lists its participants.
HLE Network thanks the participants for their contribution to this fantastic new forum for discussion, and we look forward to collaboration on many successful global projects!