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Worldwide response to the Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education

Writer: HLE NetworkHLE Network

March 21, 2024

It has been one month since the Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education was launched by the HL Global Think Tank. Are you curious what the response has been so far?

Our press release about the Global Call to Action on this site was viewed more than 600 times, and there have been a vast number of pledges for support on social media (including our own). Below you can see some examples showing how far the reach has been!

We hope this inspires you to pledge commitment to the Global Call to Action and to spread widely, if you haven't yet!

If there is an announcement or post that should be included in this collection, please let us know and we will add it.


ECML announces Global Call to Action

The Global Call to Action listed as the second item (!) in the Mercator newsletter

Of course, Modurmal - The Association on Bilingualism, in Iceland, gave attention to the Global Call to Action

United Kingdom

Scotland´s National Center for Languages gave attention to the Global Call to Action

Of course news about the Global Call to Action made it into the news of Goldsmiths, University of London. Also on their Critical Connections page.

International Newcastle prepared a post announcing the Global Call to Action.

The National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum wrote a nice piece and even included our 9 Myths infographic!

North America

The National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC) in the U.S. made a Facebook post.

The German Language School Conference has pledged to support the Global Call to Action

ABRACE Brazil made a post about the Global Call to Action. ABRACE is a non-profit community association promoting Portuguese language and Brazilian culture for children in Washington/DC.

The Global Seal of Biliteracy made a proud announcement

Asia & Australia

The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group announced the Global Call in their February newsletter.

Community Languages Australia made an announcement about the Global Call to Action.


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