United Nations'
Sustainable Development Goals

Through HLE Network’s various activities, we work toward achieving our mission. Our program of activities is in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
HLE Network works towards ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all (Target 4.7). It does so by organizing activities that aim to promote and improve the quality of heritage language education. When learners have access to heritage language education, they are able to acquire knowledge and skills that sustain a culture of peace, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity.
HLE Network works toward reducing inequality within and among countries (Targets 10.2 and 10.3). It does so by informing the public about issues that are important for multilingual students, who are migrants or children of migrants. HLE Network promotes the inclusion of and fights against the discrimination of children who speak a non-majority language at home.
HLE Network works towards making cities inclusive (Target 11.4). It does so by promoting educational programs that help protect and safeguard the world’s linguistic and cultural heritage.